With passion and precision we deploy
our state-of-art process technologies
for customers worldwide

Used Oil Re-refining
Sequoia’s process technology
for re-refining used lubricating oils
is based on distillation, adsorption
and hydrotreating processes.

The design goal is production of Group II or Group III base oil from feedstock such as solvent neutral (Group 1) base stocks, vacuum gas oils distilled from crude or used oils.

Antifreeze Recycling
Sequoia’s process technology
for coolant (antifreeze) recycling
is based on vacuum distillation.
It produces distilled water and
> 95% pure glycols from
waste coolants.

Wastewater Processing by Vapor Compression
Disposal of wastewater can be costly for many utilities, oil & gas fields, refineries, and recyclers. Some wastewater contain high total dissolved solids (TDS) including chlorides. Sequoia’s evaporation technology incorporating vapor compression helps in separating purer water from contaminants to produce boiler-feed quality water.

Oil Purification by Bauxite
The purification plant
operates in two steps viz.
first step is purification of oil by adsorption and
second step involves regeneration of saturated adsorbent.